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Home > Crystals > Fairy Kisses > Small Etched Pink Laser Quartz w/ RKs
Size: 2.8 in x 1 in x 1 in

Weight: 1.3 oz

Stone Type: Quartz

Chakra: Heart

Small Etched Pink Laser Quartz w/ RKs

$10.00 Item #2826
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This is a sweet etched quartz crystal that has warm heart energies. It has a slight pink huge and a companion at its side. There are numerous record keepers on the faces.

A crystal that has pyramidal or triangular shaped symbols that are either engraved into or are raised on one or more of a crystal faces is called a Record Keeper (RK) or Recorder. These symbols are not easily seen and usually need to be searched out by looking at the crystal in a bright light while closely examining the faces. It is believed that the Record Keeper is one of the most sacred crystals because it holds the wisdom and knowledge of the universe. When a person is properly attuned to a Record Keeper, this knowledge is readily made available. This knowledge is ancient knowledge and contains profound secrets and esoteric knowledge of the whole of the Higher Consciousness. It takes an open mind and a pure heart to access this knowledge.

The etched quartz crystal can be recognized by the existence of abrasions upon the outer areas of the crystal. The abrasions appear to be a type of hieroglyphics. This formation has been used to facilitate contact and the transfer of information from the Ancient Egyptian civilizations and from Lemuria and Atlantis. The transliteration of the symbols brings information relevant to ones life at the time of translation. They were once used in the healing temples of the ancient civilizations and the markings also contain information of experiences in which they have participated. They also have contained information with respect to the healing methodology which has been proven successful over eons of time and throughout the universe. They have been accessed during the meditative state and have provided information concerning techniques utilized in the ancient civilizations of the Earth and of other locations in the universe.

Etched quartz is usually a personal meditation crystal. Meditation with the crystal is easily accomplished by placing the hieroglyphs upon the third-eye. Subsequent to placement, close the eyes, still and open the mind, initiate circular breathing, relax, and be prepared to receive the information.

If one is meant to experience an etched quartz crystal, the universe will provide. The etched crystal which is made available to one contains the information which will be beneficial to ones personal development and/or will provide information which will assist one in helping another.

A long slender crystal that tapers inversely from base to termination is called a laser wand. It is believed the laser wand can be used to clear negativity, create protective barriers, focus healing energy to self or others, and assist in performing psychic surgery to remove attitudes that may be causing disease.

It is said that all wand crystals were developed on Earth by other planetary beings; they are said to have developed not by growth, but via thought projection. There crystals have an intimate relationship with both inner and outer space.

The use of laser wands during meditation facilitates the establishment of a finer communication with the other worlds, the crystalline world, and the inner world of the self. These crystals radiate a loving energy and have been recognized as a constant course of the brilliant white light. When one holds a laser wand, the energy tends to surround the body, providing for a protective barrier.

The laser wands often have unique etchings or marks on them. They were once used in the healing temples of Lemuria, the markings indicating the records of experiences "they have seen". They contain information with respect to healing methodology which has been proven successful over eons of time and throughout the universe. They have been accessed during the meditative state and have provided information concerning techniques utilized in Lemuria and on other planets.

Clear quartz is made up of silicon dioxide, the most abundant mineral on the planet. No wonder it is the most common tool in the mineral kingdom, as well as the most versatile. I like to call it the general practitioner of the crystal world as it works with all chakras. Clear quartz is also known as white quartz or milky quartz when it has an abundance of interior veils and planes. Often crystals will have a mixture of different clarities throughout the interior. Quartz crystals are graded on their clarity, luster, and overall condition of the stone, with the higher degrees of clarity being more valuable. It is interesting to note that although chemically the same, quartz from different regions vibrates with subtle differences. Quartz attracts and enables you to use more life force energy. Have it around you, on you, or in elixir form, in you! Quartz seeks to bring balance on all our bodies’ levels. Quartz has the ability to receive, store and send energy, this makes it a powerful manifestation tool.

Hold/gaze into the crystal, put your thought/need (what you wish to manifest) into the crystal, the crystal receives the thought (and the feeling behind the thought) then stores and transmits those thoughts and feelings into the ethers. Thus, even while you’re not thinking about that particular manifestation, the crystal is still putting it out. Thus drawing your manifestation towards you at a much greater rate than before. Power tools, you have to love ‘em!

Many refer to this process as programming; many books state that a crystal can hold only one program. They have just found a way to store terabytes of data into a single bubble that makes up the mist you see in the Quartz. My feeling is that Quartz crystals can in fact hold and run more programs than we could give in a life time! Quartz is one of the most flexible crystal tools around. It is very responsive to our intent, what you intend is what you get, to this point it is also one of the most powerful tools and should be treated as such.

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