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Home > Crystals > Red Phantom Lovestar Crystal
Size: 3.1 in x 1.9 in x 1.3 in

Weight: 4.6 oz

Stone Type: Quartz

Country: Madagascar

Chakra: Root

Red Phantom Lovestar Crystal

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Candle quartz crystals have a beautiful distinctive formation that gives them both student crystals and lightbrary features. The formations are more subtle on this crystal, as is the heamtite inclusion. The red can look pink or lavender in some lights. This matches the energy that rises from the root, pulling this energy of grounded in who you are up through the heart so that both the physical and emotional bodies are strengthened. The energies help to dispel anxiety and stress that are caused by feeling "not enough". The phantoms help to remind you of the path traveled. A beautiful spirit.

Candle quartz crystals are known for their luminous white appearance with small cascading features down their sides that often look like melted candles on their side. They are also know as lovestar crystals. Sometimes they will have hues of red and gold tinted with hematite inclusion. Their energy is high and strong and I have found them to have the energies of both elestial and cathedral quartz. They have a loving energy that is just amazing. Their Atlantean energy draws on stores of ancient wisdom. They are powerful meditation and manifestation spirits. They help you to connect to your higher self and connect to vast amounts of information, past, present and future. They are amazing healers, working on all levels. They bring you to levels of peace and contentment you did not know could exist.

Hematite is the common name for a wide array of iron oxides. Hematite itself has several varieties; the most common is hematite plates that form as a rose, and the massive botryoidal form which is usually polished into a wide array of shapes. Besides natural deposits of hematite, it can also be found included in dirt, clay or crystals, usually giving the material an orange to red coloration. Hematite is a supreme weapon against unionized radiation. It is recommended that you wear it in disk or pendant form against the skin when working on or around computers and such. It saturates your aura with an energy that repels radiation. You will find you have much more energy as a result. Hematite helps keep you grounded and in the here and now. It cleanses blood and is good for keeping you focused on difficult tasks.

Red phantom quartz crystals are rare; the bright red color is caused by hematite. Red phantoms are used to stimulate the first three chakras, to combine the energies in order to produce highly recognizable vitality directed toward creativity, intellectual advancement, and intuitive endeavors. In addition, the red phantom exhibits qualities similar to dioptase; it provides for stimulation of the intelligence of the cellular structure of the body such that the cells may recognize the reason for malfunction, in conditions of disease; it further provides the vitality and creativity for the correction of the malfunction. This crystal will be made available to those who are ready for the complex powers. Phantoms mark where we have been, allowing for reflection and the ability to see growth.

Clear quartz is made up of silicon dioxide, the most abundant mineral on the planet. No wonder it is the most common tool in the mineral kingdom, as well as the most versatile. I like to call it the general practitioner of the crystal world as it works with all chakras. Clear quartz is also known as white quartz or milky quartz when it has an abundance of interior veils and planes. Often crystals will have a mixture of different clarities throughout the interior. Quartz crystals are graded on their clarity, luster, and overall condition of the stone, with the higher degrees of clarity being more valuable. It is interesting to note that although chemically the same, quartz from different regions vibrates with subtle differences. Quartz attracts and enables you to use more life force energy. Have it around you, on you, or in elixir form, in you! Quartz seeks to bring balance on all our bodies’ levels. Quartz has the ability to receive, store and send energy, this makes it a powerful manifestation tool.

Hold/gaze into the crystal, put your thought/need (what you wish to manifest) into the crystal, the crystal receives the thought (and the feeling behind the thought) then stores and transmits those thoughts and feelings into the ethers. Thus, even while you’re not thinking about that particular manifestation, the crystal is still putting it out. Thus drawing your manifestation towards you at a much greater rate than before. Power tools, you have to love ‘em!

Many refer to this process as programming; many books state that a crystal can hold only one program. They have just found a way to store terabytes of data into a single bubble that makes up the mist you see in the Quartz. My feeling is that Quartz crystals can in fact hold and run more programs than we could give in a life time! Quartz is one of the most flexible crystal tools around. It is very responsive to our intent, what you intend is what you get, to this point it is also one of the most powerful tools and should be treated as such.

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